BitcoinChain is an analytics and monitoring platform that provides both live statistics and historical data within the Bitcoin ecosystem: Blockchain Explorer, Exchange Markets and Mining Pools.
Description is the single-stop resource for general information and analytics about the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.
The project was launched in January 2013 by the pioneers of the Bitcoin community.
Projects donations may be done to the following address: 1Chain4asCYNnLVbvG6pgCLGBrtzh4Lx4b
About is a platform for analysing and monitoring that provides real-time statistics with data from the Bitcoin ecosystem. Such data includes: blockchain condition, mining pools and the cryptocurrency market.
The platform was launched in January 2013 by a team of Bitcoin enthusiasts and is focused on making Bitcoin available for everyone. Currently, the project is on an active development stage.
The platform provides the Block Explorer service that allows for viewing detailed information about blockchain addresses, transactions and blocks. Added to this, the interface of the resource allows to accurately monitor the information through automatically formed charts and diagrams. also contains data about the Bitcoin price and from the largest exchange houses like OKCoin, Kraken, Bitfinex, Coinbase, Bitstamp and others. Also, information about the mining pool is collected, which, as mentioned, includes statistics in real time, current hash characteristics and the reward peculiarities.
On the resource, the Bitcoin wallet is currently working.
- Block Explorer
There users can get the detailed statistics on Bitcoin Blockchain: blocks, addresses and transactions
- Exchange Markets
There users can track Bitcoin price and live trades on bitcoin exchanges: Bitstamp, HitBTC, Btc-E and others.
- Market data export
- Mining Pool Comparison (Found Blocks, Average Hashrate, Luck)
There users can track Bitcoin mining pools stats: hashrate distribution, blocks found, reward system, dead/alive pools, cloud/solo mining availability.
- In-depth Charts
- Multiple technical indicators
- Time Frame Option
- User-friendly adaptive interface in two themes: Light and Dark
- Fine-tune sound notifications
- Newbie guide
- Bitcoin Nodes observer
There users can get live and historical data on Bitcoin Block Explorer, Bitcoin Markets, Bitcoin Mining Pools
- Open Source Bitcoin Wallet
- Advanced Bitcoin blockchain API with 2 interfaces: REST and STREAM.
Bitcoin Chain is full of in-depth charts which can be customized by multiple technical indicators and time frame option.
Mining Pools
External Links
- GitHub
- Bitcointalk Forum
- Main page
- Block Explorer
- Exchange Markets
- Bitcoin Mining Pools Data is taken from pool’s API and websites.
- Bitcoin Nodes
- Bitcoin Wallet
- BitcoinChain API Documentation