Jude Milhon

Jude’s mugshot from her civil rights days.

Judith [Jude] Milhon (March 12, 1939 – July 19, 2003), in , best known by her pseudonym St. Jude, was a and author in the .

Milhon coined the term cypherpunk and was a founding member of the cypherpunks. On July 19, 2003, Milhon died of cancer. She was a member of , and the author of several books. She was a senior editor at the magazine and frequent contributor to .



  • The Joy of Hacker Sex (proposed)
  • How to Mutate & Take Over the World: an Exploded Post-Novel. (1997) (with )
  • Cyberpunk Handbook: The Real Cyberpunk Fakebook. (1995) (with R. U. Sirius and ) Random House.
  • Hacking the Wetware: The NerdGirl’s Pillow Book (1994) (internet release of ebook)

Activism and Vision

St. Jude had her hand in many different causes. She was active in the 1960s helping to organize the march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.

Family Life

Judith Milhon was born in Washington D.C, raised in Indiana, to a military family of the Marine Corps.<ref name=”grrl”/><ref name=”obituary”/> She married Robery Behling and later had a partner of 40 years, Efrem Lipkin, who had also worked on Community Memory. <ref name=”obituary”/> She had at least one child, Tresca Behling, and one grandchild, Emilio Zuniga who were alive at her 2003 death from cancer. <ref name=”obituary”/>



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