

Liqui was opened in the second half of 2016. It is developed by Ukrainian entrepreneurs, who are striving to form a non-standard service for trading cryptocurrency. The English interface is aimed at attracting European traders, thereby providing more working capital. The main trading instruments are represented by BTC and Ethereum, also altcoins are available for bidding. A total of several dozen types of coins are represented.



The Exchange is headed by seven people, most of them work remotely from Russia, the USA and Armenia. The main office of the company is located in the capital of Ukraine Kiev.


Liqui opened in 2016. In 2017 there was a hacker attack, as a result some funds were stolen from customers accounts. This dealt a big blow to the company’s reputation, but the owners managed to calm the customers. After this situation, the protection and encryption of data was strengthened, and today the exchange continues its successful work.


In order to become a member of the exchange it is necessary to go to the official website The strengthened security system is a two-stage process: a one-time password is sent to e-mail every time a user logs in to the system; authentication via Google account. In the mobile application on the smartphone, the 64-digit QR code obtained by scanning the computer screen is stored.


To deposit money to the account, users need to go to the “Balances” section, select the desired currency in the suggested list and click on the “Deposit” icon. Next, the system will generate a purse address for storing the currency. It must be presented at the exchange office, which must convert the funds to the crypto currency fund and send them to the account. Users can withdraw funds by clicking the “Withdraw” button. Since the platform does not support the funds, you have to use exchange services. The amount will increase due to the commission charged when withdrawing or replenishing the account.


Liqui supports top currencies BTC and ETH, and some little-known types of crypto currency. The developers are trying to expand the possibilities and add the most popular coins to the system. The whole process of buying or selling coins goes according to one plan: the choice of the market, then a suitable token. The fields are filled with values ​​based on the sample created by other participants. The graph of each currency pair is customized by the user, based on their preferences.


The main feature of Liqui is the possibility to open a deposit account. Users can receive income from funds invested at a rate of 24% per annum, which means that for the day the customer is credited with 0.066%. The interest is paid in the currency in which the account was opened. As a deposit, users can use BTC and ETH. Funds are not blocked by the system, users can withdraw money at any convenient time to participate in the auction. The income is accrued every minute, the percentage is paid once a day. Liqui conditions attract large investors, which is why the founders of the company have established a limit on the amount of funds that can be stored on a deposit account.


Depending on the status of the user, the size of the commission is significantly different. Makers carry out transactions at 0.1%, and takers – 0.25%. The platform does not provide a reduction of the commission for an ever-increasing volume of operations. But if the collection for withdrawal or input of funds is canceled, the system removes interest when processing payments.

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