
Bitminter is a bitcoin mining pool that aims to make it easy for anyone to make bitcoins. It is one of the oldest pools. Since Bitminter Mining Pool opened in 26 June 2011 over 450 000 people have registered there accounts.
The coinbase signature for this pool is: “BitMinter” .
Two of its servers are located in the US, Canada, EU.
The Bitminter mining pool is operated by the Norwegian company Aesir Financial AS which is wholly owned by Geir Harald Hansen.
Bitminter began as an idea for a more user-friendly graphical bitcoin mining client. At the time mining software used a command line interface and most people don’t even know what that is. Geir began work on this in March 2011 but later decided to build a complete mining pool.
Bitminter went live 26 June 2011.
The only person who represents Bitminter and Aesir Financial is Geir Harald Hansen.
For inquiries regarding Bitminter, write to [email protected]
Bitminter client (Windows/Linux/Mac)
Bitminter mining pool has it’s own custom miner.
- Easy to use good-looking GUI
- Zero installation
- Supported ASICs: Butterfly Labs (except Monarch), Block Erupter USB (and other Icarus-compatible), Chili, Red/Blue Fury, U1/U2
- Works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
No need to manually install it, and certainly no need to build/compile it yourself.
Try it now: 1. Fill in the pool sign-up form at 2. Start the miner with “engine start” here or on our website (Java required) 3. Experience mining the way it should be
The priority of BITMINTER is achieving the highest return from the activity on the Cryptocurrency exchange markets. If you like the idea of starting online trades in the Cryptocurrency markets, and wants to grow your bitcoin in your hands, then the BITMINTER will be your best investment carrier which will work without sleep or exhaustion to ensure proper care and outstanding revenue to each of our investors.
BITMINTER is an investment platform which has been in business since 2016 and achieved noticeable results. The experience and skills of our traders and financial experts is the key to the success of the investment fund. The markets in which our traders work are highly risky, but professionals know effective ways to minimize risks and derive maximal revenue. Profits gained through the work of our specialists are fairly shared between the fund and private investors, our clients.
The main objective of BITMINTER is to manage investment fund and to ensure high returns in the long term. The Company is attracting investments to benefit from the effect of scale – the higher the investment, the higher the return .The share sizes depend on the investment packages which vary in deposit period and minimal deposit amount requirement. You can find a detailed description of our investment packages here in the site.
External Links
- Official Website
- Main webpage
- Live statistics
- Current pool support thread
- Support thread for the Bitminter client (Windows/Linux/Mac)