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HB DEX is a decentralized exchange market where all transactions will be conducted directly on Ethereum Blockchain. HB DEX operates entirely on HB Wallet Desktop Application, which is safer than web-based Exchanges and Wallets. Everything will be taken care by HB Wallet from storing tokens, conducting transactions, paying fees to check for transaction statuses. Via HB DEX, users can easily exchange ERC20 token for ETH and vice versa, then sync their wallets to HB Mobile later.


All the features that HB DEX has, are listed as follow:

  • Safe: HB DEX operates entirely on HB Wallet Desktop Application, which is safer than web-based Exchanges and Wallets.
  • 100% Decentralized: All transactions will be conducted directly on Ethereum Blockchain.
  • All in one: Everything will be taken care by HB Wallet from storing tokens, conducting transactions, paying fees to check for transaction statuses.
  • Real-time trading: Real-time trading with any tokens on ERC20.
  • FREE: Users only have to pay for Ethereum transaction fees.

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