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Ticker: INCX
ICO start: 2018-06-11 00:00:00
ICO end: 2018-07-11 00:00:00
Price: 1 INCX = 0.0000357 ETH
Tokens: 434,259,598 INCX
Tokentype: ERC20
Hardcap: 10,000,000 USD
Platform: Ethereum
Distributed: 43%
Minimum: 0.1 ETH
Accepting: ETH

The INCX Platform will enable users to easily manage all their wallets and passwords by implementing a user-friendly and secure global address book, thereby providing ease of use to users. Further, the INCX Platform will provide end-to-end automation for trades and provide essential information regarding the mobility of cryptocurrencies traded, liquidity of such currencies listed for trading, and other ancillary information such as P&L statements developed by leveraging APIs with domestic and international business partners.

InternationalCryptoX has been formed to develop the INCX Platform. Many of our founders and advisors have extensive international technology experience and a proven track record in building high-volume, data-driven secure enterprise platforms.



The INCX Platform will allow users to trade cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, etc.) on a crypto to crypto model, and will strive to incorporate fiat (USD/GBP/SGD/CAD/AUD/JPY/EUR) to cryptocurrency purchases on the INCX Platform, subject to regulatory environment, and listing of new tokens pursuant to Initial Coin Offerings. InternationalCryptoX is also offering INCX coins (“INCX Coin”) in a token crowdsale for the purpose of trading on the INCX Platform.
The vision of InternationalCryptoX is to develop a platform that not only allows individuals to trade cryptocurrencies, but also facilitates ease in transfers and information dissemination. The INCX Platform will enable users to easily manage all their wallets and passwords by implementing a user-friendly and secure global address book, thereby providing ease of use to users. Further, the INCX Platform will provide end-to-end automation for trades and provide essential information regarding the mobility of cryptocurrencies traded, liquidity of such currencies listed for trading, and other ancillary information such as P&L statements developed by leveraging APIs with domestic and international business partners.
InternationalCryptoX has been formed to develop the INCX Platform. Many of our founders and advisors have extensive international technology experience and a proven track record in building high-volume, data-driven secure enterprise platforms.


name: title: links: group: photo: iss:
Sanjoy Gaddipati CEO & Founder Sanjoy Gaddipati photo 3.3
Preetam Kothapally COO & Co-Founder Preetam Kothapally photo 3.3
Sudheer Kuppam Co-founder Sudheer Kuppam photo 5.9
Ajay Gaddipati Co-founder Ajay Gaddipati photo 3.3
Himagiri Mukkamala Co-founder Himagiri Mukkamala photo 3.3
Babu Munagala Advisors Babu Munagala photo 5.9
Rao Surapeneni Advisors Rao Surapeneni photo 3.3
Srinivas Tirumala Advisors Srinivas Tirumala photo 3.3
Jitender Tanikella Advisors Jitender Tanikella photo 3.3

External links

INCX on Twitter
INCX on Telegram
INCX on Facebook
INCX on Medium
INCX on Reddit
INCX Official Website
INCX Whitepaper


See Also on BitcoinWiki