
Tigercoin is an interesting form of cryptocurrency. The trading symbol of Tigercoin is TGC. The so called Mintedstone team built and launched this cryptocurrency in 2013. The cryptocurrency uses a SHA-256 algorithm, which is quite common among today’s cryptocurrencies as well.

Tigercoin is a fork of Bitcoin version 0.8.99 with addition of ‘super random blocks’. However, it uses ‘Proof of Work’ (POW) with SHA256 and specifications for cordial profitable chances. Similar to Bitcoins, it works in peer-to-peer technology with no central authority that allows quick, anonymous, and immediate transactions.

Mining with Bonus Elements

In Tigercoin mining, each ‘normal’ block productively mined rewards 128 coins. Why is ‘normal’ emphasized? This is because there are ‘Random bonus blocks’ accessible where you can get more coins in one ‘superblock’. Usually, the platform rewards miners with one superblock of 512 coins every hour (chance of receiving such reward is 1/80). And there is also another superblock of 2,048 coins every day with probability of 1/1920.

In addition, Tigercoin complexity retargets every 20 blocks in roughly 15 minutes. Its difficulty variation is high so certainly, generation of blocks is slow, which makes the mining process harder. While it is common to do the mining solo so you can keep all the earnings, it might feel better to join and be part of Tigercoin Mining pool. This is a mining approach where you can join a group of miners and share the profits. The total earnings of the pool has a ‘fair and square’ division.

Source: Tigercoin Review by Cryptowisser

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