
XUEZ core is a ‘Peer to Peer’ Electronic Asset Protocol that will be deployed throughout the internet. The XUEZ protocol is entirely decentralised with no central banks’ interaction required and no other trusted third parties to operate or confirm any transactions made on its blockchain. XUEZ can implement and provide a ‘decentralised’ anonymous service providing additional instant transaction confirmation.

XUEZ, inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision of Bitcoin, is an open-sourced cryptographic project based solely on the internet and developed by the community for the community. Its focus is to empower individuals rather than corporations through the blockchain technology.

XUEZ is a ‘privacy-focused’ internet based Cryptocurrency Community project with an exceptionally fast payment confirmations protocol. Aims to concentrate on re-establishing Satoshi Nakomoto’s vision and creating a future-forward model, whereby others will look to as a benchmark. Moreover, XUEZ intends to propose a series of specific improvements to Bitcoin, resulting in a much stronger and anonymous decentralised cryptocurrency offering additional future services.



XUEZ utilizes specific innovative and privacy features distributing an impeccable 8 MB block size, which can effortlessly accommodate millions of transactions at any one time. Enhanced integrated platform technology provides users with a combination of a secure file transfer and private E2E communication platform, as well as a Stealth Mixer and Stealth Addresses, incorporating top tier privacy measures, guaranteeing anonymity, in addition, allowing income through Masternode POW/POS functionality.

The integrated platform technology provides users with:

• Multi-sig Escrow

 • Multi-signature 3rd party escrow  • In-wallet user interface for easy management of Multi Signature 

• Self-Serve Markets

 • Decentralized and secure markets  • User created and operated  • Auto-escrow release  • Set fees, vendor bond amount  • Familiar operations 

• Encryption to Encryption Messaging

 • SureSpot style messaging  • End-to-End encryption  • End-to-End encryption  • Multimedia support  • Self-destructing messages  • Public and private group chats 

Coin Specifications

Algorithm: XEVAN

Total Coin supply: 21 Million

Block time: 60 Seconds

Maturity: 11 blocks

Target Block-time: 60 Seconds per block

Block Size: 8MB

Difficulty Re-Target: Every Block

Block Reward

The PoW Mining reward system:

Block Height Reward Amount Budget
0-1 N/A N/A
2-Until Yearly Review date is reached 1 XUEZ 10% (0.1 XUEZ)

The PoW/PoS block reward system

Block Height Masternode PoS Budget
0-1 N/A N/A N/A
2-Until Yearly Review date is reached 60% (0.6 XUEZ) 30% (0.3 XUEZ) 10% (0.1 XUEZ)


Below details the Masternode Reward and Specification:

Masternode required Amount: 1,000

Minimum age: 1 hour

Maximum age: 365 Days

Premine percentage 0%

Premine amount: 2,446,202 coins – XIOS to XUEZ Initial Swap


To provide enhanced integrated services within to platform which, will deliver high-speed asset transactions anonymously

Community take-over 5th January 2018 – While the original developer created the conception and implementation of the XIOS project as a whole, unforeseen circumstances have prevented this developer from continuing with his original work. Due to the sudden absence of the original developer, the community decided to come together to not only take over but also carry on and improve the XIOS project. The consensus of the new team was to perform a swap procedure to burn XIOS “one for one” for the new XUEZ token.

Exchange To increase the projects prospects, the XUEZ team will work tirelessly on getting our coin listed on all exchanges which our community deems worthy.

Masternode Voting system – A Masternode Voting system will be implemented to allow the community to vote on major decisions as the project evolves and progresses. However, specific conditions will be in place to ensure that no person or group within the community can cause unwarranted delays.

Code Update – Platform updates such as Secure file transfer, communication system; integrated wallet BTC to XUEZ exchange, Bug reports and checkpoints shall be implemented, as well as a working wallet/platform demo for TOR integration.

Tor Embedded – Privacy embedded wallet will TOR windows and Mac OS.

Bounty– A Privacy service imbedded within the XUEZ Platform, aiming to allowing users to buy pre-set bounties. When completed, the prearranged pay-out is rewarded to the user.

2nd Generation – Features for Node wallet services and sharing.

Mobile Application – a mobile application will be developed with the aim of allowing investors to send their XUEZ transaction without time constraints, utilising the future implemented services of XUEZ.


The XUEZ platform not only focuses on the long-term goals and objectives outlined within the roadmap, but also within the XUEZ community. The community, as seen through the history of XIOS, is the catalyst for XUEZ to reach its goals and exceed its potential. An open discussion where Investors and interested individuals can ask questions, gain updates and assistance through the open community platform Xuez Discord channel https://discord.xuezcoin.com/.


Xuez cryptocurrency introduces various unique concepts, which will improve the design of Bitcoin resulting in an enhanced platform, which is secure, maintaining privacy and functionality for each user, delivering less price volatility and immediate message propagation throughout the network. This is all accomplished by utilizing an incentivized two-tier model, rather than the existing single-tier model currently used in other Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. By utilizing this alternative network design, it becomes possible to deliver many types of services such as decentralized mixing of coins, instant transactions and decentralized services using Masternodes.

External Links

website: https://xuezcoin.com

whitepaper: https://xuezcoin.com/Xuez_White_Paper.pdf

github: https://github.com/XUEZ/XUEZ/

ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3378762

reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/XUEZ/

fb: https://www.facebook.com/XUEZProject/ & https://www.facebook.com/groups/XUEZproject

discord: https://discord.gg/ERKAM7D

twitter: https://twitter.com/xuezcoin

masternode monitoring: https://masternodeonline.com/

masternode information: https://mnode.club/g/info/XUEZ & https://masternode-roi.com/xuez

exchange: https://bisq.network/

Articles, Reviews & Tutorials

• XUEZ: How to Install, Encrypt, Backup & Restore Your Wallet (Windows) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIIMZ00CQ1M

• XUEZ MASTERNODE TUTORIAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lPV4GHJMQ0

• Privacy Coins – Comparisons Zcash, Monero, Dash, Pivx and Zcoin and Xuez https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@debasis/privacy-coin-comparisons-and-a-real-gem-in-the-space-after-pivx-and-monero-xuez

See Also on BitcoinWiki