Mining hardware comparison


Mining hardware comparison is an article shows different hardware devices

Technical part

ASIC (application-specific integrated) is an integrated circuit specialized for solving a specific problem. In contrast to General-purpose integrated circuits, specialized integrated circuits are used in a particular device and perform strictly limited functions specific to that device only; consequently, the execution of functions is faster and, ultimately, cheaper.

An example of ASIC may be a circuit designed exclusively for the control of a mobile phone chip hardware for encoding/decoding audio and video signals (signal processors).

Chip ASIC has a narrow range of applications, due to the rigidly predetermined set of its functions.

Modern ASIC often contain a 32-bit processor, memory blocks (ROM and RAM) and other large blocks. Such ASICS are often referred to as” system on chip ” (System-on-a-Chip).

When developing digital ASICs, hardware device description languages (HDLs) such as Verilog and VHDL are used to describe their functionality.

Reviews of ASIC mining hardware for 2017-2018 Consider the most powerful and popular models:

Antminer S9 with 13.5 Th / s ~ $2700

  • HashRate: 13.5 TH / s ±5%;
  • Power consumption: 1350W;
  • Energy efficiency: 0.1 J/ GH;
  • Voltage: 11.60 ~13.00 V;
  • Processor: 189x BM1387;
  • Dimensions: 350mm(L)*135mm(W)*158mm(H);
  • Cooling: 2x fan 12038;
  • Operating temperature: 25 °C to 40 °C;
  • Ethernet connection;


Antminer R4 ~ $1000

  • Hashrate: 8.6 TX / s (can vary in 5% range);
  • Power Consumption: 845 W;
  • Energy Efficiency: 0.1 J/GH;
  • Noise level: 52db (at an ambient temperature of 35°C);
  • Processor: BM1387;
  • Number of processors: 126;
  • Voltage 11.60 ~13.00 V;
  • Dimensions: 515mm (length) x 100mm (width) x 222mm (height);
  • Ethernet connection;

Antminer S7 ~ $500

  • Hash Rate: 4.73 TH / s ±5%;
  • Power consumption: 1293W;
  • Energy efficiency: 0.25 J/ GH;
  • Voltage: 11.60 ~13.00 V;
  • Processor: 135x BM1385;
  • Dimensions: 301mm (L)*123mm(W)*155mm(H);
  • Cooling: 2x fan 12038;
  • Operating temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C;
  • Ethernet connection;

Avalon 6 ~ $559.95

  • Hash rate: 3.65 TH/s
  • Energy efficiency: 270 j / th*s;
  • Input voltage: not less than 11.6 V;
  • OS of the controller: from Avalon;
  • Dimensions: 354 mm x 136 mm x 150 mm;
  • Cooling system: cooler 12038 with 3800 rpm;
  • Network controller: Raspberry Pi (version B or B+);
  • External power supply required;
  • Rated power: 990w;
  • Max power: 1200W;

Antminer S5 ~ $139

  • Hasrat: TH 1155/s ;
  • Processor: BM1384;
  • Ethernet network;
  • Cooling: 1 model 12038 fan + 2 radiators on the working boards of the device;
  • Power Consumption: 590 W;
  • Energy efficiency: 0.51 j/gh;
  • Temperature: 0-35°C;
  • Dimensions: 298 mm x 137 mm x 155 mm

ASIC mining calculator

The most accurate calculator for ASIC is on the asic mining calculator site In addition to the General data, this tool will provide you with visual tables, which will collect information on earnings per day, week and month in different currencies, as well as electricity consumption for the same time ranges.

Mining hardware comparison 2017-2018


In 2018 the popular ASICs for mining are characterized by the following distinctive features:

  • quick launch;
  • software updates are rare;
  • a small number of components to ensure the operation-twisted pair to connect to the network, power supply;
  • work on a limited number of algorithms;
  • Asik-miner functions if there is a server block;
  • a high level of noise;
  • it is impossible to repair;
  • resale of ASIC-miner on the secondary market is impossible due to the rapid obsolescence of the released models.

Farms from video cards have the following features:

  • there is a technical possibility to mine all types of coins;
  • quiet operation;
  • there is a possibility of full or partial resale in the secondary market;
  • maintainability.

Farms require more time spent on Assembly and packaging, and the need often to upgrade the software, otherwise there will be a shortage of speed. Transportation of farms is very difficult, they often break down and need a large number of components.

See also
