
CoinHero Logo

Coin-Hero-Since 2014, Coin-Hero has been dedicated to keeping its readers up to date on the latest crypto news.


Since 2014, Coin-Hero has been 100% dedicated to keeping its readers up to date on unbiased crypto news and analysis. Reviewing all the latest wallets, exchanges, brokers, apps and block chain technology.

Coin-Hero was created to educate and keep its readers informed about all the continuous technical advances in crypto and blockchain. From price predictions, market analysis and interviews with some of the most important movers and shakers in the crypto sphere.

Coin-Hero Feeds :

Coin-Hero provides a number of RSS news feeds by category so it’s readers can have valuable knowledge about cryptocurrencies delivered directly to their computers.


Popular Categories:

Here are some of the most popular RSS content categories:

Audience: Coin-Hero reaches an audience of 95-100K users across Germany, Austria and Switzerland and other German speaking territories.

Average Monthly users (or last months): 96,954 users Main GEOs (2-3 biggest geos): Germany, Austria, Switzerland