Editor FAQ


This site is new and is currently in a state of flux. Topics will get reorganised. Pages will be renamed, split, joined and reordered.

Don’t worry about making mistakes. These can be edited out later, by yourself or others.

If you are unsure about whether your changes will “stuff up” a page, make a small batch of changes and then save it. If you need to rollback, click on the History tab on the top right of the page, choose the latest “best” version of the page, click on undo and save the changes.

If you are stuck, direct message me on bokkypoobah on https://daohub.slack.com, or BokkyPooBah on https://www.reddit.com. You can also click on the Discussion tab on the top of this page, add in your queries/comments, and I or someone else will pick it up eventually. If you have a specific question, edit this page and add your question to it.


Site Contents

What can I write about on this site?

Anything Ethereum related. If the community of editors and moderators do not like it, it will get edited out eventually. So aim for objective facts, like linking to the project site, project source code, referenced materials or https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/ Q&As.

Entering or Updating Data

How do I add a new page?

Go to the page from which your new page will be linked from. Edit the page and add the text <nowiki></nowiki> and save the page. After saving, you will find a link with your <code>page name</code>. Click on this and your new page will be created. Add your text and save your new page. See also Help:Links.

How do I format my text?

Easiest way is to find a similar page and click Edit on the top tab, then copy the formatting. The main page is too complicated, so start with a less complicated page. See Help:Formatting

How do I add a link to an internal page

Add the text <nowiki></nowiki>. Or <nowiki></nowiki>. See also Help:Links.

How do I add a link to an external page

Add the text <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>. If you want to provide a name for the page, add <nowiki>a page name</nowiki>. See also Help:Links.

How do I add headings?

For the first level heading, add the text <nowiki>==Heading Text==</nowiki>. For the second level heading, add the text <nowiki>===Heading Text===</nowiki>. See also Help:Formatting.

How do I add a table of contents at the top of a page

Table of contents are automatically created when there are more than 3 headings within a page. It is inserted after any paragraphs of text, and before the first heading.

How do I add tables?

See Help:Tables.

How do I edit the menu on the left?

See this.

I’ve edited a subsection on the Main page. How do I get the Main page to update?

If you edit a subsection from the Main page and want the Main page to update with your new details, edit the Main page and save it without making any other changes. A script in the background will then update the Main page.

Navigating This Site

How do I find all recent changes?

Click on the Recent changes link on the left hand side menu.

How do I find the list of registered users on this site?

Click on the Special pages link on the left hand side menu. Click on the User list link. Or click here.


How do I find a list of new pages to be moderated?

Click on the Special pages link on the left hand side menu. Click on the Moderation link. Or click here.

How do I approve or reject proposed changes to a page?

Navigate to the Moderation page (see above) and click on approve or otherwise.



See Also on BitcoinWiki