Current BOINC Whitelist


The most current Whitelist can be found in the Debug Console using the command “listitem projects”


Mathematics, Computing and Games

Beal@Home Solving A<sup>X</sup>+B<sup>Y</sup>=C<sup>Z</sup>, a generalization of Fermat’s Theorem
Convector 52 bar trus discrete optimization problem
Distributed Data Mining Simulation, Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Gerasim@Home research in discrete mathematics and logic control
Moo!Wrapper Solve RC5-72
NumberFields@Hhome Research in number theory
SAT@Home discrete functions inversion problems, discrete optimization, bio-informatics, etc
Collatz Conjecture Mathematical Conjecture computation
DistrRTgen Distributed RainbowTables
Enigma@Home Cracking original Enigma messages
NFS@Home Lattice sieving step in Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers
Primegrid Search for prime numbers

Physical Science

SLinCA@Home Research in physics and materials science
theSkyNet POGS Astronomy Research
Cosmology@Home Darkmatter/Universe Model Research.
Einstein@Home Search for spinning neutron (pulsars) stars
Test4Theory Full-fledged LHC event physics simulations
LHC@Home Accelerator Physics
Asteroids@home Asteroid research
SETI@Home Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
MilkyWay@Home Creation of a 3d map of the milkyway
Constellation Various aerospace related sciences and engineering

Biology and Medicine

Almeregrid Human genome mapping
GPUGRID Full-atom molecular simulations of proteins
Malariacontrol Research focusing on the control of Malaria
Najmanovich Research Molecular Recognition and Computational Biology
POEM@Home Models protein folding using Anfinsen’s dogma
Rioja Science Folding proteins/weather forecasting
EDGeS@Home Molecular docking simulations
SIMAP Similarity matrix of protiens

Multiple Applications

World Community Grid Solve aids, cancer, disease, etc.
yoyo@home Brings existing distributed computing projects to the Boinc world using the Boinc Wrapper technology
ibercivis Research in physics, material science and biomedicine
CAS@Home Computing resources for scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other Chinese research institutions

Earth Sciences

ClimatePrediction You’ve guessed it: climate modelling and prediction
eon Long time dynamics
Leiden Classical Simulations of various molecules and atoms in a classical mechanics environment
Radioactive@Home Distributed radiation detection network

Cognitive Science & Artifical Intelligence

MindModelling@Home Utilize computational cognitive process modeling to better understand the human mind


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