Cypherpunk anonymous remailer


A cypherpunk anonymous remailer is a Type I that takes messages encrypted with or , or in some cases in plain text, and forwards them removing any identifying information from the header.


Sending a Cypherpunk Message

Step 1: Retrieving the remailer’s Public Key.

Generally you can get a Cypherpunk remailer’s public key by sending an email message with the subject “remailer-key” to the server you wish to use.

Step 2: Import remailer’s public keys into or .

Step 3: Compose Message

Compose the message in your favorite text editor, using the following template:

<pre>:: Anon-To: <Recipient Email Address>


Subject: <Subject>

<Message Text> </pre>

Step 4: Encrypt Message

Use or to encrypt the message that you just composed using the remailer’s public key.

Step 5: Send Encrypted Message to Remailer

Prepare an email to send to the Cypherpunk remailer using the following template:


Encrypted: PGP


<place encrypted output here>



Then send it.


  • The extra headers are called ‘pseudoheaders’ because they do not appear in the RFC 822 headers specification for email.
  • Messages to Cypherpunk remailers may be layered so they route through several different Cypherpunk remailers to decrease the odds of anyone determining who the sender is.
  • Some Cypherpunk remailers are also Mixmaster anonymous remailers and can split long Cypherpunk messages into Mixmaster packets and send them to the next remailer, if it also understands Mixmaster.
  • Many Cypherpunk remailer users will repeat steps 1-4 to wrap their message in additional layers to route it through several remailers for additional privacy and security.

See Also on BitcoinWiki

Howtos and Examples

Further reading

  • Email Security, Bruce Schneier ()
  • Computer Privacy Handbook, Andre Bacard ()
