Dogecoin Core



Dogecoin Core is the official Dogecoin wallet mantained by the Dogecoin foundation. It is the full Dogecoin client and therefore takes up a lot of space as it downloads the full blockchain. Theinitial synchronization will take time and download a lot of data. Although the client is not rich in features, it does provide a high level of security as the private keys will be created and reside on your computer.

Dogecoin Core Wallet Review

Dogecoin Core is the full official version of the DOGE wallet. Initial synchronization with the blockchain is slow compared to lightweight versions, and it will take a lot of free space on the PC to install the Program. There are versions for operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, Blackberry, Browser, Source, IOS).

Dogecoin Core is a pretty basic wallet what can be run as a full node to support the whole DOGE Network. The setup is not really complicated. If you don’t want to run a full node you can use any other wallet software which supports DOGE.

The most reliable option to protect your currency is the Dogecoin Core wallet, with this program you can store coins on your computer as a file. However, if the operating system is reinstalled and no backup has been created, all coins will be lost.

In addition, the program automatically synchronizes with the Blockchain network upon completion of the installation. This one-time operation can take about 20 hours. And at the end of the synchronized program will take 20 GB of hard disk space.

The wallet can be downloaded from the official Dogecoin website:


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