

Filmgrid is a peer-to-peer platform for commerce, streaming and financing of independent films and series over the Internet.

Of decentralized nature, removes all movie theaters and film distribution companies as intermediaries, allowing a fair distribution of profits among the film’s creators, which at the same time allows for a reduction to the cost of the offer to the public. The platform is divided into three main segments: the “Billboard”, a billboard showing the films registered in Filmgrid for sale; the “Pitchboard”, where film ideas and on-going film projects can seek financing; and the Critique Bay, a social reputation


The Billboard – A Movie Marketplace

For those moviemakers that have made a digital movie (and/or hold the copyright for it) and want to capitalize their project, it works as a storefront for movies of all type, length, kind and style. The moviemaker registers in Filmgrid as Creative Users, if the movie is a collaborative work, the involved Creative Users must form what is called a Creative Team, then upload to the Billboard the Movie; once in display, a Viewer User buys a digital copy of the Movie, and, through the application, the Movie can be downloaded or streamed and viewed as many times as the Viewer User decides.

Premiere Sale

Any film that is registered in the “Billboard” will have the opportunity to make a Premiere presentation, a limited time offering during which the film is put on sale, looking to quench the spectator’s thirst for novelty, inviting them to see the film before others.

Screening Sale

This type of offering happens between three to six months after the Premiere, the exact time is defined by the Creative Team upon registration, the platform will automatically place the film on the “Billboard” once the specified time has elapsed, becoming available for sale again.

Home Cinema Sales

It works as a movie rental for titles available in the screening mode in the “Billboard”. Contrary to the previous modes, the user does not obtain playback keys that allow them to see the films in perpetuity, but rather, in exchange for a “ticket”, they obtain the right to play and watch of the film for 48 hours from the moment of payment

The Pitchboard – A Funding Platform by Popular Election

If there are Creatives with a cool movie project, or a very good idea for one, they can use Filmgrid’s Pitchboard to fund it, uploading a description, an image, giff, teaser or trailer video to participate. It’s not quite crowdfunding, yet it relies on the crowd. Filmgrid manages three different options for funding:

Production Fund

Filmgrid will maintain an exclusive fund for financing film projects; the fund will be kept in Ethers (ETH) in a wallet managed by a smart contract, which will protect the funds from being transferred unless the contract criteria is met. The amount will be displayed in equivalent participating cryptocurrencies and fiat (depending on the country of access).

Independent filmmakers will become eligible for funding by registering their project at the “Pitchboard”; the winning projects will be chosen by Filmgrid users, who after evaluating the projects and their participants, may cast their vote.


Creative Teams that don’t have access to the budget necessary for the production of their film, can make use of the presale option to complete the production budget and begin to obtain an income on the day of the film’s Premiere release.

Users can choose to buy movies in advance in ETH and support their completion, as long as the movie has been registered for presale at the “Pitchboard”, setting the goal amount (Filmgrid’s fee should be considered) and a due date. Upon registration, the presale is kept open until the amount collected reaches the goal amount, or the selected due date is met; whatever comes first. If the goal amount is met, the funds are released and deposited in the Creative Team’s wallet to be distributed by a smart contract according to the production plan; Filmgrid’s cut is deposited in the corporate wallet. In the case de due date is met first, the funds are returned to the participant users.

Production Pool

Another type of option which a Creative Team can choose to finance their project is the Production Pool, which gives Investing Users the opportunity to take part in the financing, in exchange for a percentage of the profit generated by the project.

Users interested in taking part must first register as Investor users, as such they will have to provide the information requested by the platform. Once this is done, they will be able to assess the projects registered in the “Pitchboard” in search of collective-type financing, after reasonable analysis, Investor Users can choose which one to contribute to.

Critique Bay – A Cinema Social Network… ish

A Social Reputation System will provide the best quality control, delivered by the users themselves; rating Movies and Creative Users, bad quality or poor Movies won’t make to the top, with the possibility of getting permanently banned.

Movies and Creative Users can be granted with an Applause; Creative Teams can earn Ovations depending on how well “applauded” their project and members are; Users can follow their favorite Creative Users and Teams; Movies can receive a Critique from those who watch it.

Since is a network, a connection channel gets open, where Creative Users can find key members for their crews, or find a crew where to contribute, and most important, learn from the Viewers feedbacks.

Smart Contracts

The Production Fund management, the voting and the dispersal of funds will be secured by Smart Contracts in the Blockchain, assuring the veracity and appropriate usage of the funds; every Creative User member of the funded Creative Team can trust the platform will release their respective payment, therefore everyone can focus in making a great movie.

See Also on BitcoinWiki