ICON is a blockchain technology company based in South Korea, is attempting to bridge this gap by creating a decentralized network of blockchain communities that can freely interact with one another without sacrificing their autonomy. The resulting structure has an emphasis on real world applications other digital currencies lack.



ICON (ICX) – Hyperconnect the World.

ICON Project website

ICON crypto ICO start date: 2017-09-20

ICO Details

  • Symbol – ICX
  • When – October 2017 (With Presales)
  • How to Participate – ETH will be accepted in the sale.
  • Soft Cap – 150’000 ETH
  • Hard Cap – 150’000 ETH
  • Total Max Market Cap At ICO – 90 Million USD
  • Total Tokens in Circulation At ICO – 800’460’000

ICON price

The price of ICX token or ICON is always chaining, however, BitcoinWiki gives you a chance to see the prices online on Coin360 widget.



On their recent summit, ICON presented a roadmap for 2018, targeting a token swap and the release of a mobile wallet in March, the ICON Incentives Scoring System and an ICO-platform in April, the launch of their decentralized exchange and the Nexus Public Channel in Q2 in Q3 the Governance Channel and privacy functions based on the Zero Knowledge Protocol and finally, Q4 is reserved for improvements on their smartcontract system ‘SCORE.

ICON Token

The token will be called ICX and it will be one of many that can be transacted in the system. If the reader is interested in the detailed complexities of the ecosystem, they’ll have to consult the whitepaper themselves. This analysis is meant to assess the potential profitability of investing in this token and ICO.

Token holders who actively participate in the ICON system will be able to earn more tokens as a reward for more participation. The token will be necessary to perform various types of transactions within the network, like most of the token schemes that will work. The work required to actually earn more tokens may be more than most traders would be willing to invest, so we then must calculate on the actual base demand for the tokens.


The ICON project is building a global decentralized network.In the ICON world, independent blockchains with different governances can transact with one another without intermediaries. Dozens of reputable institutions are already in the network. Anyone can create a new blockchain project and join the network.

More information in the project whitepaper: ICON White Paper


  • For average investors, we see a lot of risk in holding this token, primarily because it will have no use to you without having someone to sell it to.
  • The technology aspect of this project may yet be undercooked.
  • The high supply of this token doesn’t help much – a lot of companies will be needing to use the blockchain services offered in order to generate real demand here.

Future Growth Potential

  • When this thing takes off, we think it will get big. So while probably not great in the short term, we think a long-term proposition here, and in spaces like it, would likely pay off.
  • Developers will be interested in ways to build cross-chain applications, especially as more tokenized systems come to fruition on various platforms.
  • If a few large companies have interest in building on this platform, they’ll gobble up large amounts of the tokens in order to ensure they have a stable price to base operations from.
  • When the general momentum for blockchain picks back up, highly technical projects like this will benefit just by nature of being blockchain-related.

Social media

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See Also on BitcoinWiki


ICON Review ICON Token

ICON Project website

ICON (ICX) Global Decentralized Network

ICON price and market state on Coin360