BC Vault One
BC Vault One is the first hardware crypto wallet presented by Slovenian REAL security d.o.o, a company specializing in cybersecurity products, including solutions for the cryptocurrency market.

About BC Vault One

Although the manufacturer’s main focus was set on the device’s security level, which is considered one of the highest among the market alternatives, BC Vault One is also a convenient unit with a bunch of user-oriented options onboard, like on-ramp fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-crypto purchases provided in partnership with Wyre and Changelly accordingly.
BC Vault One itself constitutes a compact iPod Shuffle-like gadget, equipped with a big 2.42-inch OLED display and 4-directional jog dial. BC Vault One is also available in metal as a BC Vault Quicksilver (silver) and BC Vault Gunmetal (black). In early 2021 the company presented an exclusive BC Vault device in a costumed design released under the ongoing collaboration with Huobi.
BC Vault’s security approach significantly differs from most of the hardware wallets available on the market.
Unlike other popular devices, including Trezor and Ledger, which use BIP39/BIP44 backup seed generation, BC Vault One relies on a non-HD (hierarchical deterministic) structure. This means every wallet kept on BC Vault employs its own pair of keys, not derived from the previous one. This choice was made for security reasons, as even if one wallet kept within the device turns compromised, the assets kept in others are still out of danger.
The new wallet keys are created with an in-built human-powered RNG. Once the new wallet is to be set up, the unique encrypted keys are generated. As with other hardware devices, BC Vault One allows importing existing wallets using a seed phrase.
All BC Vault wallet’s encrypted backups are stored either on an SD card or PaperQR. If an intruder has access to a physical device, his attempts to unlock the wallet will be futile unless he knows the PIN and the device’s global password.
BC Vault One protection totally consists of 5 levels, namely:
- Global Password;
- Global PIN;
- Device itself or a backup;
- Wallet Password;
- Wallet PIN.
Such a deep protection system guarantees an unexampled security level with no single case of BC Vault One hack known yet.
- Platforms: Hardware, Windows, Linux, Mac OS;
- Wallet features: Non-HD structure, Encrypted backups, Human powered RNG;
- Case: tamper-proof;
- Processor: Cortex M4;
- Storage type: FRAM;
- URL: https://www.cryptocompare.com/wallets/bc-vault/
- Anonymity: High
- Ease of use: Easy
- Coins: BTC, ETH, DOT, YFI, ADA, XRP, DOGE and others.
Desktop App & Device management
Funds kept on BC Vault device are managed through the native desktop app, available for all common PC operation systems. Like with many other similar-type devices, BC Vault is connected with the PC via USB cable, which is included.
Once the BC Vault is linked with the desktop device, the user accesses creating new and importing existing wallets and instant digital assets purchases and crypto-to-crypto swaps. More insights on device management are shared on BC Vault official website.
Additional Info
1 BTC Bug Bounty
While BC Vault One is considered the rare example of a hardware device that has never been compromised, the manufacturers themselves announced a 1 BTC reward for passing through all the Vault’s security deadlocks. Thus, anyone who managed to hack his device will access a significant money bonus.
Anonymity & Crack Protection
The BC Vault devices have no serial or any other identification numbers, giving their users additional anonymity. BC Vault’s case is glued shut, making it difficult to open a device without any visible signs of damage.