
Bitwings is the official cryptocurrency of Wings Mobile.

Wings Mobile is a Spanish virtual mobile operator founded in 2007, focused on the development of innovative software, smartphones and laptops. After less than a year into their new business strategy, implemented in 2017, the company received the ALCI AWARD for ‘Best Technological Design’ for their state-of-the-art smartphones that were created with a focus on innovation, security, and price.

The mobile communication market is evolving swiftly and has unstoppable momentum. Beyond the traffic of information through voice (calls) and data (with all of the applications available for smartphones), mobile has become the main operational channel for financial activities and other exchanges of sensitive information.

We believe that the future is built on incorporating security protocols and tools into our products that will also facilitate seamless trades on crypto exchanges and enable crypto payments for goods and services.



Safe Core OS

Wings Safe OS is based on an encrypted and secure partition (32 GB) of storage memory, and is completely independent from the main Android system. No application, control or Android API has access to Wings Safe Core.

Crypto Badges

Bitwings is promoting transparency in the crypto space and was awarded the Competition-verified Badge by Crypto-Potential[1]:

Competition-verified badge, The project has done market and competition analysis.


Wings developed exclusive software which permanently protects privacy thanks to the integration of neuronal technology. Telephone calls, photos, videos, private applications, and confidential data can no longer be violated.

Crypto Security

AI (Artificial Intelligence) allows to predict, identify and eliminate cyber threats with a speed and efficiency which is not always possible through human analysis. Thanks to the implementation of neural technology, Wings Mobile offers its devices greater control, analysis and security management.

Wings Pay

A complete payment solution for physical and online stores, which uses blockchain technology with a new vision. Both innovative and complete thanks to the integration of WingsPos, an Android operating system device available to all stores.

Wings Mobile Key Elements


Security for all of those who own and wallet and operate in the blockchain market.

Fair Price

To democratize technology, working towards a fair price for smartphones and laptops that do not penalize people based on where they live.


Privacy for all of those who do not want their telephone conversations or sensitive information to be intervened by third parties.


To Guarantee the issue value of the WINGS MOBILE token (known as BitWings), regardless of the cryptocurrency market fluctuations.


To directly accept our Bitwings cryptocurrency in all of our Store’s for purchasing goods and services, so that it can develop as a currency.

Minephone Wx

The first ever smartphone that produces up to 2 Ethereum per month.

High level specifications:

  • Price range: 6000 Bitwings Token

Blockchain features:

  • Triple Factor Authentication
  • E-wallet built in hardware Cold Storage.
  • Built with neural technology.


The first dedicated high security laptop available in two versions: 15.6” & 14″

High level specifications:

  • Price range: ~$999

Blockchain features:

  • Triple Factor Authentication
  • Cold Storage E-Wallet built into the hardware and misspelling
  • Built with neural technology .

See Also on BitcoinWiki

External links