
Catalyst Review
Catalyst Coin — is an open source anonymous platform — cryptocurrency, based on blockchain distributed network, intended to make almost instant payments with extremely low commission fees. Catalyst coin uses an Argon2 — CHUKWA a Cryptonote protocol-based CPU/GPU friendly algorithm for the maintenance of its Proof-of-work. As a cryptocurrency relying on Cryptonote, Catalyst, similarly to other coins of the family, uses ring signatures to make transactions untraceable and utilizes a system to transfer funds without the identifying information of each user becoming visible on the blockchain. It was announced on December 07, 2018 on the BitcoinTalk forum and was launched on the same day. Catalyst coin has launched with no premine or I.C.O.
Catalyst is a fork of Turtle Coin and is ultimately a mobile-friendly version of Turtle Coin which is more approachable for miners with poor mining equipment and has some additional features. The mobile friendliness of Catalyst makes it suitable for the usage with mobile applications, making it potentially the easiest way of introducing the inexperienced users and users with smaller computing resources than the average miner to the blockchain technologies. Catalyst seeks to become a cryptocurrency that would be both mined and used with mobile phones which will significantly broaden the potential user base of this cryptocurrency.
As a fork of Turtle Coin, Catalyst also seeks to be a secure and private network. Catalyst Coin is resistant to blockchain analysis and provides untraceable transactions. By default, Catalyst utilizes cryptographic methods to send funds with no identifying information.
Aside from making mining more approachable, Argon2/Chukwa is accelerating blockchain verification making Catalyst’s network faster than the networks of the other CryptoNote-based cryptocurrencies. Catalyst is also going to implement the “blockchain pruning” meaning the removal of the information that is stored in the blockchain but is no longer needed. Pruning is a feature that aims to upgrade the scalability of the Catalyst’s blockchain by reducing RAM’s usage required for the interactions with the blockchain. The implementation of the pruning will make Catalyst resistant to the age-based attacks and it will help to establish additional improvement of anonymity within the network.
Catalyst was created by the community — for the community and everyone is welcomed to make their contributions. Catalyst’s bitcointalk topic and GitHub project are updated weekly (sometimes more frequently), and the crypto continuously gets new features. We do not recognize I.C.Os, Master Nodes, stacking and premine. Every participant of the consensus — has equal rights. Developers and miners do not have any preferences or special treatment and are regular members of the collective.
The main goal of Catalyst is to create an infrastructure for Dapps (decentralized applications), in order to give independent and creative people a chance to adapt in a constantly changing world, and get back control of their privacy and security.
Catalyst doesn’t have any central leadership, all the decisions regarding the project development are made exclusively by the community!
Coin specifications
Catalyst Coin specifications in accordance with its official website:
- Ticker: CX.
- Current Version:
- Launch Date: November 25, 2018.
- Algo: Argon2id/Chukwa.
- Total Supply: 77 million.
- Block Time: 60 sec.
- Transaction Speed: Instant.
- Block Reward: 15CX.
- Difficulty Retarget: 60 sec.
- Minimal Fee: 10000 atomic units (.001CX).
- Minimal Mixin: 3.
- Premine: None.
The Catalyst dev. team is actively working on the project.
Developers team
Dirtybits: Graduated from an IT department of one of the biggest US universities, worked at Google. Currently working as a DevOps(C++) developer in a well-known US company. He is very passionate about crypto, well oriented in crypto space in general, and also one of the contributors on the Turtlecoin Project.
N8tb1t: Has more than 10 years of experience working in big startups around the world, served as a developer in the Israeli defense force, fluent in English, Hebrew and Russian, hooked on crypto since 2016. Currently, working on the project full time.
@TheGoldenSparrow is an old member of the crypto space community, thus prefer to stay anonymous, but those of you who know him, well aware that he is a very respectful member of the bitcointalk forum. @TheGoldenSparrow is an author of cat7 blog, where you can find an ample of technical information about Catalyst Network, he is currently representing Catalyst on various media platforms and helping the new members of the community on our discord channel, where you can always find him.
The Catalyst coin wallet is available both as a Graphic User Interface (GUI) solution and Command Line Interface (CLI). Both versions can be downloaded from the official site of Catalyst. Catalyst client is available for Linux, Windows and MacOS. Unofficial Web-version of the wallet was developed by the community members and announced on medium on October 1, 2019. Of course, cryptocurrency exchanges also provide wallets for the storage of Catalyst, but its usage is correlated with risks of fraud, theft, bankruptcy of the exchange and some others.
Funding System
The Catalyst Funding System was put into action in order to our community members fund each other and help Catalyst grow. It gives an excellent opportunity to independent developers and artists to contribute and to express themselves, and get their work appreciated in CX. The platform already has a bunch of successfully funded projects, and we hope, that as time goes by more and more will follow.
You can exchange and buy Catalyst Coin on the following exchanges:
- omega
- zeta
- charlie Catalyst + Bitcoin Mono
- bravo Catalyst + Bitcoin Mono
- Catalyst + Bitcoin Mono
- wellgitu
- semipool
Block Explorers
- Bitcointalk: Catalyst announcement
- Catalyst GitHub repository
- Catalyst funding system
- Catalyst’s medium articles
- Cat 7 Community blog
- Catalysts’s official website
- Catalyst nodes 3D map
- Reddit hub
- Discord channel
- Miningpoolstats – Info about Catalyst pools
- Cryptunit – Catalyst’s analytics data
- BlockFolio – Price monitoring