DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease

DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease
DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease ICO Review
Ticker: DSCP
ICO start: 2018-04-27 00:00:00
ICO end: 2018-07-15 00:00:00
Price: 1 DSCP = 0.0005 ETH
Tokens: 0
Tokentype: ERC20
Hardcap: 34 000 ETH
Softcap: 7000 ETH
Raised: 0
Platform: Ethereum
Distributed: 55%
Accepting: ETH, BTC

DISCIPLINA – The first blockchain to create verified personal profiles based on academic and professional achievements.

The use of blockchain technology guarantees the transparency of the platform and creates the conditions for maintaining confidentiality and reliability of information added by ecosystem participants.

DISCIPLINA mission: To create a multifunctional blockchain for keeping a unified register of academic achievement and qualifications to generate scoring for every user of the platform.

TeachMePlease will be the first project based on the Disciplina blockchain platform.

DISCIPLINA is being implemented by TeachMePlease team in partnership with Serokell – international company that specializes in development of distributed systems. Serokell uses high-assurance coding principles and has experience in cryptocurrencies development, one of which is Cardano.


In this paper we analyze the main issues that arise from storing educational records in blockchain and propose the architecture of the Disciplina platform – a domain-specific blockchain implementation. The platform is designed to act as a decentralized ledger, with special regard for privacy and mechanisms of data disclosure. present an overview of the main entities, their roles and incentives to support the network. Please note that the project is a work-in-progress and the descriptions provided are subject to change.
Recent advances in blockchain technology and decentralized consensus systems open up new pos- sibilities for building untamperable domain-specific ledgers with no central authority. Since the launch of Bitcoin blockchains had been primarily used as a mechanism for value transfers. With the growth of the Ethereum platform, the community realized that by using a chain of blocks and consensus rules one can not only store value and track its movement, but, more generally, store some state and enforce conditions upon which this state can be modified.
Bitcoin, Ethereum and other permissionless blockchains were developed with the assumption that everyone is free to join the network and validate transactions, that are public. However, the industry often requires privacy, and thus the permissive solutions with private ledgers came to exist. These solutions include Tendermint, Hyperledger, Kadena and others.
The increased interest and the variety of the blockchain technologies lead to the growth of their application domains. The idea of storing educational records in the blockchain has been circulating in the press and academic papers for several years. For example, and focus on the online education and propose to create a system based on the educational smart contracts in a public ledger. Recently, Sony announced a project that aims at incorporating educational records in a permissioned blockchain based on Hyperledger. The ledger is going to be shared between major offline educational institutes.
The main issue these solutions have in common is that they target a certain subset of ways people get knowledge. propose a more general approach that would unite the records of large universities, small institutes, schools and online educational platforms to form a publicly verifiable chain. Contrary to the solutions like Ethereum, we do not aim at proposing a programmable blockchain that fits all the possible applications. Rather, we believe, that we should harness all the latest knowledge that emerged in the last few years in the fields of consensus protocols, authenticated data structures and distributed computations to offer a new domain-specific ledger. In this paper we introduce Disciplina — the platform based on blockchain technology that aims to transform the way educational records are generated, stored and accessed.


3Q 2016: Project Lunch
4Q 2016: 1st School Registered
Nov 27 2017: Pre-sale
1Q 2018: Crowdsale
2Q 2018: MVP
4Q 2018: TestNet
2Q – 4Q 2019: MainNet


name: title: links: group: photo: iss:
Ilya Nikiforov Co-Founder https://www.linkedin.com/in/ozmagic/ 4.2
Dmitry Gordovich Co-Founder http://linkedin.com/in/dmitry-gordovich-570621154 4.2
Alexander Leonchik Head of the Development Department https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-mint/ 4.2
Sergei Maximov Lead backend developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergei-maximov-a7694686/ 4.2
Roman Alterman Head of the blockchain project https://www.linkedin.com/in/roman-alterman-b3a77910a/ 4.2
Pavel Shatskih Head of the design department https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-shatskih-636a1914b/ 6.2
Anna Kuprienko Head of the PR/marketing https://www.linkedin.com/in/ania-kuprienko-b3b2b237/ 4.2
Vasiliy Mikhailov Project manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/vasiliy-mikhailov-bb550714b/ 4.2
Kirill Kuvshinov Blockchain developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirill-kuvshinov-777018126/ 4.2
Yuriy Friedrichson Frontend developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuriy-friedrichson-31852b14b/ 4.2
Ivan Radchenko CMS/Bitrix developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/anntml/ 4.2
Roman Novoselov Backend developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/роман-новоселов-a7b325a4/ 4.2
Gregory Dvoryaninov Quality assurance https://www.linkedin.com/in/grigoriy-dvoryaninov-800b20151/ 4.2
Yuriy Chaukin UX/UI designer https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuriy-chaukin-520350150/ 4.2
Olga Khristuk Graphic designer https://www.linkedin.com/in/olga-khristuk-966a73102/ 4.2
Andrey Skryabnev Lead of the photo/video production https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrey-skryabnev-67302814b/ 4.2
Valery Vekov Head of the account department https://www.linkedin.com/in/vekovskih/ 4.2
Maria Arkhipova Legal https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-arkhipova-a80b1b151/ 4.2
Maria Zhiveinova Content Manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-zhiveinova-2a8b89151/ 4.2
Elena Lev Content manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/elena-lev-22350814b/ 4.2
Valeriya Romanova Content & social media manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeriya-romanova-337b1b151/ 4.2
Slava Darmaev Content & social media manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/viacheslav-darmaev-06b50814b/ 4.2
Maria Goncharevich Digital marketing manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/maryia-goncharevich-930381119/ 4.2
Polina Gordovich Translator/editor https://www.linkedin.com/in/polina-gordovich-510482126/ 4.2
Valeria Blokhina Translator https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeria-blokhina-28bb1a151/ 4.2
Oksana Timakova Office manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/тимакова-оксана-02a600150/ 4.2
Arseniy Seroka https://www.linkedin.com/in/seroka/ 8.7
Jonn Mostovoy 4.2
George Basiladze Advisor Advisors 13.2
Antonio Menéndez Sierra Advisor, Professional in fields of employer branding, recruiting and HR https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonio-men%C3%A9ndez-sierra-bb19239/ Advisors 4.2
Jason King Sean’s Outpost and Unsung.org founder Advisors 8.9
Kenji Sasaki Co-founder of Cardano, CEO of Next Chymia Consulting HK. Marketing, promotion and blockchain consultant in Asian market https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenji-sasaki-2b6bb610a/ Advisors 4.2

External links

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DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease on bitcointalk
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DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease on youtube
DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease official website
DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease whitepaper


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