EON Protocol (EOT)


EON Protocol (EOT) – a protocol for dgames (decentralized games, or blockchain games). It uses a layer 2 solution to help dgames run smoothly as if on traditional web hosting. It also provides in-game wallet feature for game developers to support multiple cryptocurrency payment and the exchange of digital assets (non fungible tokens).



The global games market (software) revenues reaches 116B in 2017, which is even bigger than global sports business. By 2017, there are 2.2 billion active gamers in the world, of which 47%, or 1.0 billion gamers, spend money while playing. Besides, almost every game has its own in-game currency, which supports in-game payment of digital assets and other services. Gaming is not only a fast-growing industry with huge market size, but also the one actively embraces new technologies. From PC, smartphone to Virtual Reality headset, gaming is usually the first application to take off and effectively educate the mass market. Hence, we see gaming as the best user case for blockchain technology and games are easily to be integrated with cryptocurrencies. If 10% of gamers use cryptocurrency as payment in the game, there will be 220m new cryptocurrency holders. This will efficiently educate people about what is cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as expanding the market size of the whole blockchain industry.

In order to accelerate this process, we initiated EON Foundation to build and promote EON Protocol (EOT). EON Protocol is a protocol for dgames (decentralized games, or blockchain games). It uses a layer 2 solution to help dgames run smoothly as if on traditional web hosting. It also provides in-game wallet feature for game developers to support multiple cryptocurrency payment and the exchange of digital assets (non fungible tokens).

The concept of EON Protocol was developed during the process we built CryptoAlpaca, a dgame based on Ethereum, with more than 200k registrations. By building a dgame by ourselves, we found the pain point of dgame development. We want to help game developers build dgames easily and fast, and our mission is to bring cryptocurrency to more people through games.


Q3 2017 – Concept development of EOT platform

Q4 2017 – EOT Foundation is founded

Q1 2018 – EOT token is announced; Blockchain game CryptoAlpaca is launched

Q2-Q3 2018 – EOT token is integrated with CryptoAlpaca; Proof of concept and prototype development of EOT platform

Q1 2019 – EOT platform web version is launched

Q3 2019 – EOT platform mobile version is launched

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See Also on BitcoinWiki