
ReMoneta is a strongly capitalized ReFinTech company located in the European Union, with its head office in Tallinn, Estonia. The ReMoneta website can be found at

ReMoneta is a unique technology platform or eco-system allowing disruptive solutions for specific industries. It combines elements from the Real Estate, Finance and Technology markets to provide zero-cost money transfers and zero-cost payment transactions amongst other features.


Disrupting the app industry

The ReMoneta SYNC solution for apps provides micropayments from 0.01c, allowing in-app purchases and thus use for a small fee while also helping app developers convert non-paying users to paying users, overcoming the psychological hurdle by introducing a price level which everyone is prepared to pay. Users may also use and be rewarded with in-game money linked to the eco-system. They can thus be rewarded for use and exchange the money outside the app to buy goods and services, swap into other currencies or send to their friends, all at zero-cost for transfers and payments. SYNC can be used in other app, if the app developer allows, creating a user eco-system. Users are thus encouraged to come back both to use the app and to win real-world rewards. SYNC can also be switched into ReMoneta. ReMoneta has a steadily increasing price over time and consists of a system backed by land, ensuring real, measurable value at any time.

Disrupting the currency industry

While fiat currencies (such as dollars, pounds, euros) decrease in value over time and other currencies are highly volatile, ReMoneta is the only currency in the world which steadily increases in value over time. Imagine a cup of coffee becoming slowly cheaper rather than more expensive as time passes. This disrupts the currency market by providing a liquid asset which can be used to purchase goods and services, with the added advantage of increasing value. This is achieved with four elements, a dual currency system involving ReMoneta (a value unit running on an adapted-hyperledger network, not traded and thus not subject to any market pricing effects) and a tradable unit, a price determined by a machine intelligent computer model and stable and increasing value land behind the ReMoneta system.

Disrupting the investment industry

The LAND solution provides both high potential returns as well as the low risk and liquidity of a currency, with zero cost for entry, exit, use or transactions. It benefits from a regular and predictable price rise due to its land value (based on an underlying long term land value model), an additional value uplift from development of the land and income from renting the land yearly. LAND is fully liquid, tradable and be exchanged into other currencies to purchase goods or services.


The ReMoneta team is international. It consists of experts in Real Estate, Finance and Technology industries as well as leading advisers. Founders Hadley Barrett and Harijs Svarcs have both over 15 years of experience in their industries including excellent blue chip and entrepreneurial credentials, having managed more than $4bn of assets and projects between them as well as led companies across a range of European countries.

External links

Official website

See Also on BitcoinWiki