Libbitcoin Node


The libbitcoin-node library provides an abstraction over the low level networking calls required to implement a full node on the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network. It was originally contained within libbitcoin.


Example (Version3)

#include <future> #include <iostream> #include <bitcoin/node.hpp>  int main() { std::cout << "Starting up..." << std::endl;  bc::threadpool pool(1); bc::node::configuration settings(bc::config::settings::mainnet); bc::node::full_node node(settings); std::promise<bc::code> started;  const auto handle_started = [&started](const bc::code& ec) { started.set_value(ec); };  // To also "run" the node on the p2p nework next call node.start(handle_started);  const auto ec = started.get_future().get();  if (ec) { std::cout << "The node failed to start: " << ec.message() << std::endl; return 1; }  const auto display_history = [](const bc::code& code, const bc::chain::history_compact::list& history) { if (code) { std::cout << "Error: " << code.message(); return; }  for (const auto& entry : history) { auto output = (entry.kind == bc::chain::point_kind::output); auto kind = (output ? "output" : "spend"); auto height = entry.height; auto hash = bc::encode_hash(entry.point.hash()); auto index = entry.point.index();  // The value for a spend is the entry.point.checksum() of the // output. This allows the spends to be correlated to outputs. std::cout << "History..." << std::endl; std::cout << "Kind: " << kind << std::endl; std::cout << "Height: " << height << std::endl; std::cout << "Point: " << hash << ":" << index << std::endl; std::cout << "Value: " << entry.value << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } };  while (true) { std::cout << "Type a bitcoin address or 'stop' to exit." << std::endl;  std::string command; std::getline(std::cin, command);  if (command == "stop") break;  bc::wallet::payment_address address(command);  if (!address) { std::cout << "Invalid address: " << command << std::endl; continue; }  // Accept up to 1000 rows and search from block 0. node.chain().fetch_history(address, 1000, 0, display_history); }  std::cout << "Shutting down..." << std::endl;  return 0; } 

Console Application

The library is accompanied by the console application Bitcoin Node (bn).


Dependencies (Version2)

Dependencies (Version3)

See Also on BitcoinWiki
