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Odem SA. is a Swiss company headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. The company presents itself as an educational project, established to help students in getting access to the knowledge databases and educational programs. Odem developed the Ethereum-based software that should power up the Odem’s education-focused marketplace. Odem token (ODE) was developed specifically as a utility token for the transactions within the Odem blockchain platform


Odem Platform

Odem platform is not a decentralized application (dapp) and has a center location. It is built with standard web technologies and is connected to the Ethereum network. Odem will offer user to register their profile that will collect the info about all of his actions, performed within the network. It will provide users with collecting obtained certificates, payments, rewards and qualifications. The platform will also provide users with a calendar of events, message center and an educational programs’ list. Users will be able to make their own educational programs and list it on the platform. It is the case for the new educational events too. All users will be able to request and provide certificates.

Odem token

ODE is a utility token. It is made to provide Odem’s customers with an access to its services. Its intention is in the establishment of the system superior to the fiat money transactions. As a built-in token, ODE will provide users with a fast and cheap way to transact payments. It will eliminate the expenses inherent to the cross-currency payments. However, it was also made to gather funding to the project during the Odem’s ICO. During the ICO Odem token managed to gather 10 000 ETH by selling of 100 million tokens. ODE is a ERC-20 standard token. However, the platform extends the use of token with several additional features.

First of all, the project provides staking function. In the ODEM blockchain staking architecture utilizes the Ethereum ERC-900 interface. It allows students to stake, for example, a desired program by committing some (not significant) amount of ODE. On the other hand, Educators stake courses they intend to teach. This approach helps the Platform in evaluating levels of student and educator interest in a particular program.

ODEM also utilize the ERC-780 protocol. The ERC-780 protocol helps in building of the ODEM-Credits (ODEM-C). ODEM-Cs are digital certificates and given to users who successfully complete educational offerings. According to the Odem whitepaper, the ODEM-C is stored in the blockchain and contents the following information:

  • the name of the student
  • the name of the educator
  • the program id
  • the institution id
  • the date of the program
  • InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) – a hash where the physical certificate can be accessed with a passphrase

ODE is available to use with a number of third-party cryptocurrency wallets. Some of them are:

Cryptocurrency services that provide Odem token exchange include the following projects:

  • BitForex
  • DragonEX
  • Ethfinex
  • Airswap
  • Bitfinex
  • IDEX
  • RightBTC
  • Bitbns
  • Bitcratic

All these features combined can provide users with a trusted and robust educational network. Besides helping students with their search of new programs and educational events, it can help employers to have a trusted source of information about the specialists applying to the job.

ODEM Price

Odem token price online via COIN360:


See Also on BitcoinWiki