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21 |
21 is free software that turns any computer into a Bitcoin Computer. Once installed, it’s possible to get Bitcoin on any device in almost any country without a bank account or credit card. It also enables the ability to add micropayments to any app and start earning Bitcoin on every HTTP request. They provide updated Bitcoin fees and open API documentation for developers. In addition, you can join the blockchain revolution by supporting your own Bitcoin node with 21. |
[1] |
Abra |
Abra is building a global digital asset-management system with retail-banking functionality that can handle payments and savings but doing it on the Bitcoin blockchain. Abra also serves as a mobile wallet that allows you to send and receive money worldwide. |
[2] |
AlphaPoint |
AlphaPoint helps institutions and companies to discover and implement blockchain strategies. It powers various exchanges around the world, including those for financial institutions. Alpha Point’s core solutions are a general-purpose permissioned blockchain solution, digital asset exchange, order routing, and an automatic market making exchange. |
[3] |
Angry Panda |
Angry Panda project aims to protect investors from the inherent risks in investing in a cryptocurrency, guaranteeing almost the whole value paid for its coins. In addition to giving greater security and confidence to investors, it is designed to facilitate and encourage the daily use of cryptocurrencies providing fast, cheap and secure ways to send payments. |
[4] |
Anoncoin |
Anoncoin is a peer-to-peer proof-of-work cryptocurrency that was launched in 2013 to focus on offering privacy and anonymity for its users. Anoncoin is primarily used in “Darknets” which are often associated with illegal substances. Anoncoin claims that it will be available “no matter what the authorities do”. It is probably in your best interest to avoid this digital currency. |
[5] |
Apirone | is a white label processing tool for bitcoin forwarding that supports Segwit protocol. Online stores, crowdfunding platforms, ICO, currency exchange projects and sales outlets can receive or send payments without registration. |
[6] |
Ardor |
Ardor is the next generation blockchain-as-a-service platform. It has been built on the successful Nxt technology and is designed with unlimited scalability, safe smart contracts, and customizable child chains. These features are designed to increase business profits, efficiency, and security. |
[7] |
AsicCoin |
AsicCoin is a cryptocurrency made for Asics. |
[8] |
Atencoin |
Atencoin is a first-generation, identity-based compliant digital currency. It is headed up by the National Aten Coin (NAC) Foundation, an organization that supports the identification of based block chain technology and digital currencies. |
[9] |
Auroracoin |
Auroracoin is a P2P cryptocurrency that was launched in February 2014. It is the Icelandic alternative to Bitcoin and to its own currency. |
[10] |
Azure |
Azure is a solution from Microsoft that serves as a blockchain-as-a-service application that allows companies and organizations to develop, test, and deploy blockchain applications for numerous industries and processes. Azure offers pay-per-use pricing so you can get started with no up-front costs. Azure’s industry specific solutions will allow you to find a custom fit for your business. |
[11] |
BitFury |
The Bitfury Group develops software and hardware solutions for businesses, governments, organizations and individuals to securely move an asset across the blockchain. Some of their software solutions include: digital assets PaaS, data analytics, lightning network, property rights registration, voting, and a chain hub. On the hardware side, they provide: Semiconductors and microelectronics, servers, datacenter construction, datacenters in marine containers, and immersion cooling. |
[12] |
BitPay provides a payment platform and the capability that allows businesses to accept Bitcoin payments and provides a way to then deposit those to a bank account. BitPay provides tons of public documents that allow you to seamlessly integrate into your current software. BitPay allows you to start for free, and then charges 1% per transaction for their business package. If you’re a larger enterprise, you can inquire about a custom solution. |
[13] |
Bitcoin |
Bitcoin is a payment system that was created by an unidentified programmer and was introduced in October 2008 and released as open-source software in 2009, serving as a digital asset and starting off the entire system of cryptocurrency and blockchain. In order to store and make transactions with Bitcoin you will need to find both a Bitcoin wallet and a Bitcoin exchange. Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency with a market cap of over $10 Billion. Bitcoin is very popular for cross-boarder payments and other international money transfers. |
[14] |
Bitfoo |
Bitfoo is a Bitcoin technology company that is based in Hong Kong. The company’s mission is to make cryptocurrency accessible and useful for everyone, offering digital wallet capabilities for storing and using cryptocurrency. |
[15] |
Bitmark |
Bitmark is a distributed ownership registry that enables individuals to claim ownership over personal data and digital assets. Bitmark creates specialized blockchain technology to convert personal data and digital assets into property that can be sold, licensed or transferred peer-to-peer. |
[16] |
Bitpagos |
BitPagos is designed for the Latin American financial markets, offering a way to accept and use Bitcoins as another cryptocurrency for merchants and businesses throughout the region. |
[17] |
Bitswift |
Bitswift Decentralized Applications Inc. is a Canadian registered company that was established in 2014. It offers ongoing development, support, and business integration to Bitswift. The company is focused on increasing awareness about blockchain technologies, integrating business partners, and supporting and empowering their platforms. |
[18] |
BlackCoin |
BlackCoin is P2P cyrptocurrency that uses a proof-of-stake system and is open-source. Developed by Rat4, the goal was to prove that BlackCoinâs way of disabling proof-of-work was stable and secure through a process called minting. |
[19] |
Blakecoin |
Blakecoin is an experimental cryptographic digital currency that enables payments to anyone around the world. It uses peer-to-peer technology to manage transactions and issue coins. |
[20] |
Blockcypher |
Blockcypher powers blockchains in the cloud. It provides a way for organizations to easily build reliable blockchain applications. Blockcypher’s features include multiple data centers, REST API documentation, cloud infrastructure, robust data stores, hosted full blockchain nodes, and 24/7 support for all of their products. |
[21] |
Blockstream |
Blockstream focuses on developing and deploying sidechains, which is a technology that was invented to extend the capabilities of Bitcoin’s blockchain. Sidechains are inteded to create new models of trust to extend and improve Bitcoin properties. |
[22] |
Bloq |
Bloq provides enterprise-grade blockchain technology to leading global companies, offering a new way to approach commerce, trading, transparency, security, identification, supply chain, auditing and many other applications and processes. Bloq maintains a deep open source ethos, built from decades of open source experience. Bloq also strives to lower the cost and operational barriers for companies to build and innovate with blockchain-enabled technology. |
[23] |
Bytecoin |
Bytecoin is an open, decentralized cryptocurrency. Anyone interested can join Bytecoin network and take part in currency development. It allows for secure transactions around the world and offers instant, fee-free money transactions. Transactions between Bytecoin users are all done online. Transaction privacy is protected by secure encrypted algorithms whereby no one can identify who sent the money, received, or the amount of money transferred. |
[24] |
Cloakcoin |
CloakCoin is a cryptocurrency that’s designed to facilitate anonymous and trustless decentralized transfers with Proof-of-Stake-Anonymous transfers (PoSA). In addition, CloakCoin provides a super secure and anonymous platform for decentralized marketplace trading with OneMarket. |
[25] |
Coinbase |
Coinbase is focused on creating an open financial system that allows individuals, businesses, and organizations to buy and sell cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. |
[26] |
Coinmixer |
Coinmixer is a high-volume, secure Bitcoin mixer that is easy, fast, and safet to use. It offers a state-of-the-art Bitcoin mixing algorithm that tumbles coins with hundreds of other users, rendering a user’s Bitcoins completely anonymous. The mixing process takes between one and six hours with a randomized fee for each mixing. |
[27] |
ConsenSys |
ConsenSys is a venture production studio that builds decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. Projects include a distributed triple-entry accounting system. |
[28] |
CryptoBullion |
Crypto Bullion is a second generation crypto-currency designed to emulate the properties and supply of gold. Itâs the first cryptocurrency to have all the properties of money while providing an interest for holding it.Unlike the majority of cryptocurrencies, Crypto Bullion has already completed its volatile monetary base expansion stage and has shown steady growth. |
[29] |
Curecoin |
Curecoin is the first cryptocurrency to represent medicine and biotech research via scientific mining. |
[30] |
Dash |
Dash is a secure blockchain-based global financial network that allows for private transactions for individuals and businesses. The Dash wallet includes its most popular features: Darksend and InstantX. Darkness allows users to send payments anywhere in the world in a fully anonymous way. Thanks to InstantX users can send almost instantaneous transactions that use the masternode network for validation before being included by miners in a block. |
[31] |
Decred |
Decred is an open, self-funding cryptocurrency. It has a community-based governance system that is integrated in its blockchain. Decred has successfully created a hybridized proof-of-work proof-of-stake consensus system that creates a beautiful balance between miners and voters. |
[32] |
Deutsche eMark |
Deutsche eMark is a German-based cryptocurrency. |
[33] |
Devcoin |
Devcoin is an ethically inspired cryptocurrency that was created in 2011 to support open source programmers. Devcoin will eventually fund all types of developers including hardware developers, musicians, painters, graphic artists and filmmakers. Devcoin is one of the longest running blockchain based digital currencies. |
[34] |
Digital Asset |
Digital Asset builds distributed, encrypted processing tools to improve efficiency, security, compliance and settlement speed. Digital Asset has developed a cross-application platform to efficiently build business applications on without having to deal with ledger specifics. |
[35] |
DigitalCoin |
Digitalcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptographic medium of exchange that is not controlled by any central authority. It offers security, stability, and ease of use for all types of transactions and array of applications. Digitalcoin can be used to transact freely and without borders, government intervention, or chargebacks. Digitalcoin can be converted to any currency including the USD, Euro, Yuan, Ruble and more. |
[36] |
DigitalNote |
DigitalNote is privacy-protected, decentralized open source cryptocurrency. It offers features like encrypted and untraceable messages as well as the first blockchain deposits. |
[37] |
DMarket |
DMarket is the first and only working blockchain-based cross-game marketplace that turns virtual in-game items into real assets. |
[38] |
Dogecoin |
Dogecoin is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. Offering Internet currency, it also focuses on creating a vibrant community of users that have built a social platform to transact together. |
[39] |
Due |
Due offers digital wallet currency capability and a blockchain platform for making secure, zero-cost payments around the world for individuals and businesses. Due also offers numerous other applications through blockchain that records these cryptocurrency transactions including a digital ebank. |
[40] |
Earthport |
Earthport banking clients have access to a global payment network with direct settlement via local clearing to banked beneficiaries in over 60 countries. The company uses a distributed ledger network to accomplish this borderless payment system. |
[41] |
EasyChain is a lightweight open-source framework for writing custom blockchain solutions in JVM-compatible programming languages. |
[42] |
Ekrona |
Ekrona is a Nordic p2p digital cryptocurrency that uses Scrypt PoW and offers fast international transactions. |
[43] |
Emercoin |
Emercoin offers distributed blockchain services for business and personal use that is easy and low cost. In addition to being used for the payment of goods and services, Emercoin provides a platform for a wealth of novel applications such as decentralized domain names and an advertising network. How you decide to use Emercoin is really up to your imagination. |
[44] |
Epiphyte |
Ephiphyte uses blockchain to create the necessary infrastructure for financial distributed ledgers for all types of financial trading and financial transactions. It offers instant settlement versus payment. Epiphyteâs goal is to assist the financial world by taking advantage of recent advances in network technology, including the use of cloud and blockchain technologies. They believe that by making financial transactions as fast, inexpensive, and direct as other digital services in the Internet age, everyone will benefit. |
[45] |
Ethereum |
Ethereum is an open source platform that enables individuals and businesses to write and distribute decentralized applications, using blockchain. Ethereum uses smart contracts which are essentially applications that are run exactly how they are programmed without any possibilities of fraud, 3rd party interference, or downtime. |
[46] |
Fastcoin |
FastCoin is currently the fastest transacting P2P digital currency in existence. |
[47] |
Feathercoin |
Feathercoin is a global Internet currency that is independent of any central bank or institution. It offers an open source platform along with a way to conduct low-cost, secure, and private transactions anywhere in the world. |
[48] |
Freicoin |
Freicoin is digital currency with demurrage that is focused on creating a sustainable economy, especially for developing countries or those with volatile national currencies. |
[49] |
Goldcoin |
Goldcoin is cryptocurrency that features a multi-pool resistant client, which is innovative and secure as well as has an integrated 51% attack defense system. This makes it a truly unique altcoin compared to other cryptocurrency. |
[50] |
GridCoin |
GridCoin is a blockchain digital currency that has its miners crunching BOINC science projects. |
[51] |
Horizon |
Horizon is a next-generation decentralized platform that offers blockchain services for business. Horizon offers benefits for holding your Horizon tokens in your account. By holding your Horizon tokens in your account, you will earn 10% of your holdings over one year, which is paid out on a daily basis. |
[52] |
Hyperledger |
Hyperledger is a collaborative effort that was created to advance blockchain technology by identifying and addressing important features that can assist various industries and applications. It if focused on creasing an open standard for distributed ledgers that can transform the way business transactions are done. |
[53] |
I0coin |
I0coin is a digital currency that offers very low inflation, borderless transactions, blockchain pruning, fully decentralized currency, veteran currency and stable service along with 90-second confirmations. |
[54] |
InfiniteCoin |
Infinitecoin is digital currency for peer-to-peer payments that offers such benefits as low fees and near instant transactions for anywhere in the world. |
[55] |
Ixcoin |
Ixcoin is the Internet eXchange coin that is also known as decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. It was established in 2011 and built with the Bitcoin platform. |
[56] |
Komodo |
Komodo is focused on becoming the new standard for cryptocurrency security and anonymity. It is protected by Zcash Zero Knowledger proofs so that users can make 100% untraceable transactions that are secured by Bitcoinâs Petahash Proof of Work as well as Komodoâs delayed Proof of Work consensus mechanism. |
[57] |
Lisk |
Lisk is a blockchain application and sidechain platform, providing a full stack solution for JavaScript. It is one of the best cryptocurrency user experiences because ti has a manageable user interface and integrated App Directory. It is focused on becoming the standard for blockchain apps and custom blockchains developed in JavaScript. |
[58] |
Litecoin |
Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero fee payments to anyone in the world. It is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized and use mathematics to secure the network.Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency. |
[59] |
LuckyCoin |
Luckycoin is an open-source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that is protected by advanced cryptographic algorithms. It is easy and secure to use and has wallet software, which is necessary to send and receive coins. |
[60] |
Maxcoin |
Maxcoin is one of the most secure cryptocurrencies because it’s based on next generation encryption and is open source. It’s open, transparent, and free of charge. |
[61] |
MazaCoin |
MazaCoin is the national currency of the Oglala Lakota Nation and is used in place of a national currency, opting for a digital currency format. |
[62] |
MediterraneanCoin |
MediterraneanCoin is cryptographically safer and more resistant then Bitcoin and Litecoin to blockchain attacks and malleability problems thanks to its new, cryptographically stronger Proof of Work algorithm known as hybridscrypthash256. |
[63] |
Megacoin |
Megacoin is a peer-to-peer decentralized currency that is open source, anonymous, irreversible and free of any transaction charges. |
[64] |
Midascoins |
Midascoins is a cryptocurrency company that can be bought and sold as well as redeemed as certain national currencies. |
[65] |
Mincoin |
MinCoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that uses scrypt as a proof-of-work algorithm. It was released April 2013 with zero premine. |
[66] |
Monax |
Monax leverages a distributed application platform that incorporates blockchain technology to help companies create modular applications that meet the high demands of enterprise-grade ecosystem applications. |
[67] |
Monero |
Monero is a secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency that is based on the CryptoNote protocol. |
[68] |
MonetaryUnit |
MonetaryUnit is a self-sustainable cryptocurrency project that offers secure, fast, and near instant transactions. |
[69] |
Multichain |
Multichain helps organizations to rapidly build applications on blockchains and shared ledgers for a number of applications and processes across a wide range of industries. |
[70] |
MyriadCoin |
MyriadCoin is considered to be the pioneer of the multi-algorithm blockchain, giving it many advantages over other cryptocurrency. |
[71] |
NAVCoin |
NAVcoin is X13 POW/POS cryptocurrency that uses subchains and Community’s Foundation. When a transaction takes place, it is recorded on a decentralized public ledger called a block chain. These transactions are peer verified by other users of NAV Coin through a process called mining. Anyone who opts into mining is rewarded with NAV Coin for their efforts. |
[72] |
NEM is a cryptocurrency and a peer-to-peer platform that provides services like payments, messaging, asset trading and smart contracts. |
[73] |
NXT is an open source, decentralized crypto platform that is innovative, can be used for many applications through its blockchain ledger framework, and is secure and easy to use. |
[74] |
Namecoin |
Namecoin is a buuilding a censorshp free web that uses blockchain, which is part of Bitcoin technology. |
[75] |
Novacoin |
Novacoin is a decentralized digital network that is based on an open-source peer-to-peer Internet protocol. It was introduced in 2013. |
[76] |
Omni Layer |
The OMNI Foundation standardizes, protects, and promotes the use of the Omni Protocol to benefit Bitcoin protocol users all over the world. |
[77] |
Openchain |
Openchain is an open source distributed ledger technology that helps organizations that want to issue and manage digital assets in a secure, scalable way. Every transaction on the ledger is digitally signed like with Bitcoin. |
[78] |
Pandacoin |
Pandacoin is the first cryptocoin with block rewards that decrease every day so the emission of coins will be very smooth. |
[79] |
PeerNova |
PeerNova helps companies build large-scale commercial applications lke financial systems and securities exchanges through the use of distributed ledgers. It provides a solution for storing, securing, and validating data. |
[80] |
Peercoin |
Peercoin is the first digital currency to use Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus. It was developed by Sunny King and seeks to be the most secure cryptocoin at the lowest cost. Their strategy is to reward all users by giving them a 1% return on their investment. |
[81] |
PhuketCoin |
PhuketCoin is the world’s first digital currency that can be mined and managed with smartphone app. The Phuket platform features its own exchange, forums and wallets. Users can mine and spend their coins in games and apps hosted on the Phuket platform. |
[82] |
Potcoin |
PotCoin is a digital currency that serves the cannabis industry and community. |
[83] |
PPIO is a decentralized data storage and delivery platform for developers that value affordability, speed, and privacy. |
[84] |
Primecoin |
Primecoin is an experimental ASIC hostile altcoin that also introduces the first scientific computing proof of work to cryptocurrency technology. |
[85] |
Protoshares |
Protoshares is a new Bitcoin-derived cryptocurrency from Invictus Innovations. It is unique in that instead of being a currency that trades on the merits of the currency or its network, it trades on the future value of the products that Invictus will deliver to whomever holds them. It is unique among coins because it has a tangible reason to hold it, such as periodic and significant payouts of new cryptocurrency. |
[86] |
QORA is a second -generation cryptocurrency that has been designed from the ground up to solve Bitcoin’s biggest problems and was developed in Java. It does not rely on any other cryptocurrency. Instead, it uses a new proof of stake algorithm, making it future-proof. There are 10 billion coins in circulation. |
[87] |
Qubit |
QuBitcoin is a free, open source peer-to-peer electronic cash system that is completely decentralized. |
[88] |
R3CEV is a financial innovation firm that leads a consortium partnership with over 50 of the world’s leading financial institutions to design and deliver advanced distributed ledger technologies to global financial markets. |
[89] |
REINNO is a fintech company offering solutions for real estate tokenization and lending as well as a crowdfunding platform with secondary market capabilities. REINNO’s goal is providing a seamless transition for the consumer to blockchain-powered services and improving liquidity of real estate investments. |
[90] |
Ripple |
Ripple offers a solution for global payments based on distributed financial technology, providing for low-cost international payments. |
[91] |
SETL is an institutional payment and settlement infrastructure based on blockchain technology that has its own blockchain-powered OpenCSD platform. The OpenCSD platform enables any market participant to commission and run a permissioned registry service for payments, settlement, and clearing of cash and other financial instruments. |
[92] |
Securecoin |
Securecoin is the first multi-algorithm cryptocurrency. It uses six different algorithsm to guarantee the security of the network against code-breaking attacks. It also uses Bitcoin’s economic principles. |
[93] |
ShoCard |
ShoCard uses a digital identity that protects consumer privacy by using distributed ledger technology. It is optimized for mobile and can be used by banks as a reliable identification mechanism. |
[94] |
SkeinCoin |
SkeinCoin is a cryptographic currency that uses the Skein hashing algorithm combined with SHA256 hashing. |
[95] |
Skuchain |
Skuchian enlists blockchain technology to help make your supply chain friction-free. It builds blockchain-based products for B2B trade and supply chain finance. |
[96] |
Stellar |
Stellar is a free, open-source network that lets anyone build low-cost financial products for their community, using blockchain technology. It connects people, payment systems, and banks. |
[97] |
Stratis |
Stratis is a flexible, powerful blockchain development platform designed for the needs of real-world financial services businesses. It also provides benefits to other types of organizations that want to leverage blockchain technologies. This is a turnkey solution that enables developers and businesses to develop, test, and deploy blockchain-based applications without having to operate their own network infrastructure. |
[98] |
Swiscoin |
SwisCoin isa leading cryptocurrency that allows users to make instant payments and money transfers securely through the Internet. |
[99] |
Symbiont |
Symbiont bridges the gap between the emerging blockchain ecosystem and Wall Street with the first issuance and trading platform for Smart Securities®. This technology allows complex financial instruments to be modeled in an easy to understand programming language and fully digitized onto a distributed ledger. |
[100] |
Tagcoin |
Tagcoin is the world’s first universal rewards currency where you can use it to pay friends, pay for goods and services, or exchange it for cash. Similar to Bitcoin, it is created using a cryptographic process by computers solving complex mathematical problems with a creation limit of approximately 3,000 coins a day. |
[101] |
Terracoin |
Terracoin is an open source cryptocurrency available on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges. |
[102] |
Titcoin |
Titcoin is the official cryptocurrency of the porn and adult entertainment industry. |
[103] |
Unobtanium |
Unobtanium is the fair-launch rare altcoin with only 250,000 in existence. |
[104] |
Wibson |
Wibson is a blockchain-based, decentralized data marketplace that provides individuals a way to securely and anonymously sell validated private information in a trusted environment. |
[105] |
Worldcoin |
Worldcoin is a digital currency that is helping to empower more consumers, investors, and entrepreneurs with an alternative method for global transactions. |
[106] |
Yacoin |
Yacoin is considered the original Scrypt-N coin. It is a secure, stable, and ASIC proof cryptocurrency that allows anyone with a computer to mine and earn interest. |
[107] |
Zetacoin |
Zetacoin is a revolutionary type of cryptocurrency that claims it is faster than Bitcoin and offers an amazing community. |
[108] |